Eric Dollard has been at his lab bench working away at some experiments that he wants to share with you soon. In about a week, we’ll have some new video interviews and presentations with Eric. Some will be free and some will be available as paid downloads to help raise some money.
Since his battle with blood cancer at the end of last year, he hasn’t been as available as he would like to for live calls, etc. Thankfully, he recovered from that but he does need a bit of help.
Besides these upcoming videos and pictures, Eric will be making the annual drive up here to the Northwest to come to the 2017 Energy Science & Technology Conference. His presentation will last a few hours and no doubt will stretch your brain-cells beyond their normal boundary.

As many of you know, he has been primarily living out of his 1980 Toyota Corolla for the last 25 years and much of it has been rebuilt over and over so it is still in pretty good shape. However, his engine is getting to the end of its life and the drive to Spokane, Washington will be the end.
We found a replacement 3TC 1.8 liter engine and a local engine rebuilding company that will make it like new – we’ll also have to have a separate shop do the actual engine swap. We’ll have the front transmission seal and clutch replaced and when it is all put back together, it will easily last 100,000 miles before needing to be rebuilt.
EPD Laboratories, Inc., a 501(c)3 charitable non-profit corporation is low on funds and Eric’s social security just got cut off again. That happened because they claimed he was making too much money while he was in the hospital getting treated for non-Hodgkin’s. It’s ridiculous to cut someone off at the knees when they need the most help, but that is how it goes. He filed the paperwork to get it reinstated, but that will of course take some time.
In any case, this car is his official EPD Labs transportation and he needs it badly to drive out to the field when working on the lines – we’ll have some updates on that soon.
Eric needs help to cover the engine rebuild and swap.
$650 – Engine guaranteed rebuild-able and shipped to engine rebuild shop
$1323 – Full rebuild – block & head, everything new using NPR parts that are better than OEM spec – all cam bearings, main seals, piston rings, you name it.
$800 Engine Swap (includes labor for front transmission seal and clutch replacement while engine is out of car)
$300 Front transmission seal replacement and clutch replacement
Sebastian G.
Andrew J.
Brian C.
Stuart O.
Clive B.
William F.
Kenneth F.
David C.
Stephen M.
Eivind R.
Damian C.
Kevin B.
Frank E.
Greg O.
Tim R.
Jeremy J.
Big Island…
Tim O.
James H.
Jovan K.
Derek G.
David C.
David L.
Joe O.
Kent B.
Tim H.
John W.
$3146 / $3073 = 102% OF OUR GOAL!!!
After the conference, we’ll take a couple days to get Eric’s car over to a shop with the new rebuilt engine waiting and we’ll get him on the road.
Eric’s car is already modified to transform into his sleeping quarters as well as serving his other needs on the road so another car is not an option. We’re just passing on what is needed and hope that you can help.
How you can help – ANYTHING WILL HELP!!!!
1. Donate by PayPal – use the DONATE link in the right column for PayPal.
2. Proceeds from the sales of any of his books or presentations that are available – you can purchase them through these links:
Lone Pine Writings (digital)
Amazon paperback – Lone Pine Writings
Four Quadrant Representation Of Electricity
The Extraluminal Transmission Systems Of Tesla And Alexanderson
The Power Of The Aether As Related To Music And Electricity
Thank you for supporting Eric Dollard!
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