These pictures are provided by Bruce Gavin who is building the Colorado Springs scale model demonstration unit for Eric Dollard’s upcoming presentation THEORY, CALCULATION AND OPERATION OF THE COLORADO SPRINGS TESLA TRANSFORMER – WITH DEMONSTRATION (240min).
Below are a few pics but does not show everything needed for the project. More updates will follow. These parts are paid for by YOUR donations so thank you all for your support! If you would like to help pitch in, please use the PayPal donate button in the right column or you can mail a donation to the address provided. Your donations are tax-deductible since EPD Laboratories, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation.
At the time of this post, 58% of the seats are already sold out for the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference. There are 62 seats remaining and they will all sell out before the conference. Register and get your tickets here: Energy Conference
This Colorado Springs scale model is discussed by both Eric Dollard and Bruce Gavin in this recent live call:
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