Both of his upcoming presentations at the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference are discussed and already 50% of the seats are already sold out. They’re going quick so register and get your tickets here: Energy Conference
Questions from callers include some very technical mathematical discussion, some simple concepts of Impulse Waveforms, some of the latest writing projects Eric is working on and an update on the Tesla Colorado Springs scale model replication by Bruce Gavin with some pics in the slideshow. Also, Eric Dollard’s Versor Algebra books I & II are coming to Amazon as paperbacks soon.
Listen to the entire call here and please considering donating to EPD Laboratories, Inc. a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation – all donations are tax deductible. Please share this page with your friends with the links below the video.
Here is the other interview of Eric Dollard by Charles Roland Berry and Robert Emin. It covers more about music, electricity & harmonics, which relates to his upcoming presentation.
This is going to be a very productive month at EPD Laboratories, Inc. For most of this month, Justin Miller and Eric Dollard will be working on transmission lines near the lab. John Polakowski will also be there working on the longitudinal loading network. They’ll take some pictures and videos of this so you can learn more about this. That analog network is very important because it is what permits the extraluminal transmission of signals, which is information going from one point to another instantaneously, which is beyond the idea of a speed of light limit since there is no velocity as part of the equation.
Eric’s upcoming presentation – The Power of the Aether as Related to Music and Electricity – will be an ongoing study for him that will continue for years. However, because of the intense nature of creating the massive presentations that he enjoys delivering at the conferences, Eric says this might have to be the final one that he does. It is possible that he may participate in future conferences in lighter roles or with a more casual presentation covering some of his past work or simpler topics, but this may be the end of the monumental presentations. He will still be working on some of the book projects that are related to his last couple presentations so that will continue for a while, but he really has a desire to get back to the bench and start experimenting.
Thanks to the Eric Dollard Fan Club and a few other contributors outside of the Indiegogo campaign, Eric is starting to accumulate the equipment needed for research in the lab so bit by bit, Eric’s lab is coming into being.
Many people are always asking, “Where do I start?” For hands on, the Crystal Radio Initiative is the simplest hands on project to start experimenting with (mentioned below) and Eric’s Lone Pine Writings Part 1 is a great primer to get the basic definitions down. Get a copy here:
After discussing this in detail with Eric over the last few weeks, it’s a bit more advanced than the Crystal Radio Initiative, but studying for your basic Technician license for Ham Radio is a great way to get the basics down. The study guide teaches you the basics in electronics, calculations, etc. necessary to have some background in the basics of electrical engineering. If more beginners started there, they’d be able to advance quicker with their experiments because it does create a good schema (frame of reference) to operate with. So, consider getting your own ham radio license. You can get a copy of the latest study guide here:
If you haven’t seen Eric’s video presentation on the Crystal Radio Initiative, please go here: Crystal Radio Initiative – if you’re already subscribed to Energy Times, you’ll receive an email about it. Anyway, you can watch the video and download the 300 page document that is a compilation of everything relating to this project from Energetic Forum. As time permits, I’ll see about doing some video with Eric walking a beginner through the calculations necessary for the Tesla coil version of a crystal radio.
There are still 63 days until the conference but only 33 seats left, so if you want to see Eric’s final groundbreaking presentation live, make sure to register now:
Thank you to everyone donating through PayPal directly. If you can send the donation through the Indiegogo campaign, everyone else can see the actual total funds that are accumulating for the latest campaign to help Eric pay off the building and to bring the seismic project to the next major phase of completion by the end of the year. Here is the campaign link:
Here are a few important updates relating to Eric Dollard and his recent work…And thank you to the Eric Dollard Fan Club – your donations have helped to carry the lab’s operations through some tough times – especially over the last 4-5 months! And thank you to all those who send donations directly to Eric and through PayPal. Without all of your generous support, EPD Laboratories could not function.
On Sunday, March 22nd, we’re releasing the long anticipated book by Eric Dollard called Versor Algebra as Applied to Polyphase Power Systems.
Versor Algebra
Nikola Tesla developed the polyphase power system but originally it was four phases. Charles Proteus Steinmetz was hired by General Electrical to break Tesla’s patent and to analyze it mathematically, which he was the first to do with Versor Algebra. But Steinmetz adapted Tesla’s four phase system to a three phase system, which is still in use today. Conventional mathematics were not suitable for analyzing this three phase system without Dr. Fortescue’s Symmetrical Coordinate method.
Although this made it possible to analyze any number of phases, there has never been a theoretical basis presented for this method until Eric Dollard created it – this book is actually Part 2 to this book and lecture from the 2013 Energy Science & Technology Conference called Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity. He also simplified the method of Symmetrical Coordinates beyond anything that has been done in engineering history while completely preserving it’s functionality.
This book shows the methods that not only apply to power systems, but can actually be used to analyze ANYTHING that uses multiphases such as the music of Bach, which has multiple phases overlayed on top of each other. This math is also known as Sequence Algebra and we are only at the tip of the iceberg with what Eric made tangible for so many more engineers, those who study music and more.
There is an interview with Eric where he gives a great outline of what this book is about and why it is important and it is put into a YouTube video – this will be available on the homepage for the new book. We’ll send a link to this on Sunday.
Please make sure to support Eric Dollard’s work by purchasing a copy this coming Sunday – 70% of the sales goes to EPD Laboratories Inc. to help make the building payment (no longer rent since they’re the official buyers now!), utilities and other building related costs.
On Wednesday, April 1st, we’re launching a new fundraising campaign to help EPD Laboratories, Inc., which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
GOOD NEWS! What many people don’t know is that Eric Dollard recently paid almost $50,000 to David Wittekind to help pay off his debt for the building. This money was provided by a private donor. Thank you J.!!!
EPD Laboratories, Inc. is officially the new buyer and for the organization to own the building outright, there is only a balance of $29,000 left! Paying off this debt will relieve a large monthly financial obligation, which will allow more rapid progress since the money can go to parts and services necessary for the work at the lab, the Advanced Seismic Warning System, etc.
It is important to remember – the Advanced Seismic Warning System is only ONE application of this long lines antenna project – Eric will be able to do many Tesla related experiments with this setup.
Eric Dollard Up on Pole
The other funds that are needed are for shelving so that Eric can start disassembling a lot of the electronics and organizing them, 1 year of operating capital for the building (utilities, taxes and insurance), a used “Lines Truck” for digging holes and planting telephone poles needed for the end of the seismic line (they’re getting this truck for a fraction of what it is worth), an inexpensive water well drilling apparatus that will be used for for digging 30′ deep holes for the ground rods needed by each telephone pole for the seismic project (a few thousand dollars), enough parts for Eric and John Polakowski to build all the analog networks that plugs into the lines on the poles, gas money so Steve Hilsz (“The Glommeister” and director of EPD Laboratories) can come to Spokane to pick up a literal ton of Glom donated by Mark McKay (Spokane1 of Energetic Forum), etc.
We’ll be sending a link soon…please support EPD Laboratories by donating to this campaign once it is launched on April 1st and please pass it on to your friends.
Imaginarium Labs is making a series of short videos to help build awareness for Eric Dollard’s work. They’re fans of Eric and want to do what they can to support him. Please check out this video and give it a thumbs up to show your support:
Out of 150 limited seats, there are only 60 something left. If you want to hang out with Eric for a weekend, pick his brain and meet other pioneers in this field, register now while you can. There are 3.75 months left until the conference and the seats are going fast.
Updates include discussion on the Analog Network Eric and John are working on like what was shown in the old Borderland videos, Magnetic Amplifier designed by Eric and built by John, what their talks at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Advanced Seismic Warning System, music and polyphase mathematics, Cosmic Induction Generator, where Eric theorizes the energy in an atomic bomb comes from, Eric’s radiant matter experiment replicated by Mark McKay.
Give the video a thumbs up and share it with your friends to help spread the word!