This is a preview of what is to come in one of two different presentations that Eric Dollard will be giving at the 2019 Energy Science & Technology Conference.
All seats are already sold out, but you can pre-register for the 2020 ESTC at The registration will show it is for 2019, but all those registrations will be moved across to 2020 so please disregard the date. Also, if you already registered for 2019, you do NOT have to re-register as all registrations will be carried over for 2020.
This presentation of Eric’s will be 90 minutes rather then the usual 4 hour marathon. It will be very brief and will touch on quite a few aspects of the technology that were previously classified.
Eric Dollard’s NEW RELEASE, includes Landers Video!
Hi everyone!
We are excited to release the presentation that Eric Dollard says is his best one yet! The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson is jam packed with 4 hours of priceless teachings from the master himself. You will learn not only the history of wireless transmission, but the real science of electrostatic transmission systems that are not restricted to the speed of light. In fact, this is not about “faster than light” but rather INSTANTANEOUS meaning there actually is no velocity! That is why it is called Extraluminal (outside of the speed of light constraints) instead of Superluminal (faster than the speed of light).
This science was applied by Tesla and Alexanderson and was used by the US Navy in the famous RCA Bolinas station for ship to shore communication back in WWII. Eric Dollard has improved upon the work of Tesla and Alexanderson in this science and has actually build a full scale working model that demonstrates the principles. The primary application was using this electrostatic antenna system to listen to the Earth signals in order to forecast major earthquakes 24-48 hours ahead of time! The best that conventional science can give us is 30 to 60 seconds, which pales in comparison. You will also learn how the electron models and Einstein’s science has been erroneously applied to these systems for all these years. And, you will see the truth in a way that has never before been presented.
SPECIAL BONUS – when you get a copy of this * AMAZING * presentation, you will receive a free bonus download, which is an actual guided tour of the Landers facility, which has never been released to the public before!
This presentation is offered at an introductory price, which will expire on July 31, 2014 so make sure to take advantage of this offer now. Also, if you haven’t had a chance to get your hands on Jim Murray and Paul Babcock’s presentation The Secret of Tesla’s Power Magnification, make sure to get a copy at the discounted price, which will also expire on July 31, 2014.
p.s. By purchasing a copy of Eric Dollard’s presentation from his link above, it will earn Eric Dollard and EPD Laboratories 70% of the sale so please share this far and wide!
Dear Friends,
In 48 hours, we’re launching Eric Dollard’s EPIC presentation that he says is his best one ever! It is jammed pack with 4 HOURS of the most thorough history, scientific documentation, and even diagrams of not only wireless transmission systems in general but for electrostatic Tesla and Alexanderson type systems that operate outside of the confinement of the “Speed of Light” – hence, the EXTRALUMINAL reference in the presentation name.
Stay tuned for the announcement!
In the meantime, check out this free *NEW * Interview of Eric Dollard filmed a couple days after the recent conference (make sure to give the video a Thumbs Up to show your support for Eric’s work!) –
Original working Advanced Seismic Warning System in Landers, California. Was also a tactical HF communications facility. Also an HF surveillance facility for locating sources of interference and spurious signals. Had an Earth stereo system to use the Earth itself as a concert hall. Location of the first fully developed Alexanderson antenna of my (Eric Dollard’s) design for telluric studies.
My original discoveries of the inner workings of the Alexanderson System were made at the RCA Station in Bolinas, California. The details of these discoveries in both historical and theoretical form are outlined in the Wireless Giant of the Pacific. The discoveries made there led to the development in the advancement upon the ideas of Alexanderson to create an antenna of extraordinary performance in the extraction of telluric impulses from the interior of the Earth.
The materials for the Landers facilities were primarily gathered from the RCA installation in Bolinas and from decades of working the surplus business in the Los Angeles area. The installation took 20 years to construct. Passed the proof of performance test for its advanced warning of major earthquakes of 6.0 or greater in the Southern California area. The next step was to link the facility as a civil defense installation relating to advanced seismic warning to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power the Southern California Gas Company and the San Bernadino County Office of Emergency Services. This never transpired.
The property was wrongly taken from me ending up in the hands of Owen Bales who then proceeded to declare me as a squatter, had me forced off the property by the San Bernadino County Sheriff’s Office and the entire installation was looted. In it’s entirety, it represents a $1.5 Million Dollar loss. Most of the components and equipment can never be found again. The parts inventory alone was worth $500,000 Dollars. All the equipment was hand built by myself over a period of 20 years. I had developed the ability to manufacture the equipment in the manner required by Western Electric and the United States Navy. Everything shown in the photographs was built out of scrap from RCA and the surplus business.
In the span of the next two years, Southern California will be hit by a massive earthquake. This installation could have alerted the utility companies of a forecasted event in the making giving them the “finger on the button” to shut down gas and electrical supplies at the onset of the disaster. The County of San Bernadino Board of Supervisors Office refused to take the site under eminent domain, which can be considered an act of malfeasance particularly being that I offered to give them the entire site and maintain it for them for free. The last event recorded at the installation was the great Japanese quake. The electrical signals arrived at Landers two days before the event. The main event knocked the seismograph silly at Landers, which is understandable since it was the most sensitive seismograph in existence. The charts showing this disappeared in the looting. Copies were made in the day of the event by the San Bernadino’s Supervisors Office, which doesn’t seem willing to provide copies of them. This is all gone now. Ultimately, there will be no money or time to rebuild anything to provide warning for the next earthquake. That’s the end of that.
Operating Desk
Navy Racks
RCA Rack
Lower View of RCA Rack
Western Electric Rack #3
Western Electric Rack #3 Mid
Western Electric Rack #3 Lower View
Western Electric Rack #1 Upper View
Western Electric Rack #1 Mid View
Western Electric Rack #1 Lower
Backside of Western Electric Rack #3
Back of Western Electric Rack #1
Lower View of Backside of Wester Electric Rack #1
Primary Power Switchboard
Earth Stereo Receiver
Antenna Terminal
End Fire Antenna
East View of Antenna Field
Main Terminal Pole
Main Terminal Pole
Erection of New Transmission Pole
The following pictures are of charts recorded with the system at Landers showing the activity levels for various earthquakes. These were done on the mechanical seismograph system.
Mexico Earthquake
April 4th 2010 at 22:40:41 UTC 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake as recorded by our monitoring station in Southern California. Noteworthy is the slowly increasing needle deflection leading up to the quake more than 24 hours before the actual quake and the fore-shocks which seem to occur at approximately 4 hour intervals. It was obvious that something big was about to happen. If we had two other stations in operation we could likely have pinpointed the location.
Chilean Earthquake
27th of February, 2010 at 6:34:14 UTC as recorded by our monitoring station in Southern California. Please ignore the green line on the left which is the signal from our underground antenna recorded at a previous time and has no relevance to the Chilean Quake (due to a paper shortage, some of the rolls are run through a different chart recorder again). As more of preceding and following parts of the chart become available they will be posted.
Haiti Earthquake
12th of January, 2010 at 21:53:10 UTC as recorded by our monitoring station in Southern California. Notice the initial shock-wave at 2:00 PM with the reactionary wave following 20 minutes thereafter.
Haiti Earthquake
Here is an except from one of our January chart rolls, beginning at aprox. 2:00 PM PST on Saturday, January 09, 2010 and ending on Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at around 10:00 PM leading up to the the Haiti Quake. The individual sheets were scanned and combined using CS2. The file is 3.9 MB. The quake closest to the top is the Haiti quake and the one towards the bottom is the 6.5 magnitude California Offshore quake which occurred on Saturday January 09 2010 at 4:30 PM.
Indian Ocean Earthquake
This is an oldie but goodie: The 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake which occurred on Dec 26, 2004 at 00:58:53 UTC, estimated at 9.1 to 9.3 on the Richter Scale.
What is significant about this chart is that it is easy to see – to the degree of being obvious, that something is brewing 12 hours in advance…
1.) Seismograph is securely anchored to a three mile in-diameter boulder, most of which is buried below ground. This large rock formation is believed to actually protrude more than several miles into the earth’s crust. We don’t know for sure yet, how deep it all goes…
2.) Signal amplification. The terminals of our in ground sensors have a 10 to the 12th power gain or amplification to the deflector plates in the scope. The paper chart-recorder is adjusted down to a level that yields good results somewhere around 10 to the 8th, without minor insignificant noise, throwing it all off…
Watch this video to hear Eric Dollard explain the chart shown above. It contains 1 years worth of data showing solar flux, ionospheric (overground) signals and telluric (underground) signals, as well as mechanical seismic activity.
The Indiegogo Campaign mentioned in the above video has completed. However, EPD Laboratories, Inc. always accepts donations to help further its work.
Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc.
501(c)(3) – Your donations are tax deductible
Make Checks or Money Orders Payable to: EPD Laboratories, Inc.
EPD Laboratories, Inc. PO Box 31 Davenport, CA 95017
This is the stereophonic counterpart to the transmission system structure A52-E for determining the physical origin of the telluric signals. The distance between structures is approximately 200 miles.
The major effort was digging guy a guy anchor hole five feet deep in the rock to replace a dead end guy on a telephone cable facility. Also, the effort was made to gather up approximately five miles of abandoned open mile line to use in constructing the new transmission structures. Much more is still needed and no availability has been found yet.
Broken poles and dangling wires, missing guy wires, etc. being cleaned up and preparations made for installing the new open wire facilities for the Alexanderson-Beverage Earth Signal Receiving Antenna. (ASW – Advanced Seismic Warning System). The repairs were done by myself (Eric Dollard) and Justin Miller (member of EPD Labs).
Part of this project consists of removing two miles of no longer used well pump control lines of open wire construction. Wire is 8 awg open wire subscriber telephone line. This wire will be used later as well as the cross arms on the overall Long Line Project.