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Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter: Recreating Tesla’s Dream

Ernst Willem van den Bergh is a member at Energetic Forum who has shared some of his work in the Tesla sciences. Here is the thread that prompted me to get a copy for Eric Dollard and myself: Tesla’s Rays

When recently talking to Eric about this book, he indicated that Ernst has shown two very specific things that he believes nobody else has shown. Eric may discuss these two items on his next live call coming up on March 17th.

Here is a description of this book that any Tesla fan should get in their hands:

“This book is the result of more than a decade of theoretical and experimental research. It sets out to answer questions about Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter. What is it? What does it do? How does it do so? Does it really provide free energy? These questions and more you will find answered in this comprehensive book. Every fact you will see backed by Tesla’s own words. Quotes of all relevant articles, lectures and patents have been included. More than that you will read about my own experiments, copies of Tesla’s and their results. This book is divided into 3 parts and every part concludes with a summary in layman’s terms so that everyone can understand what it is that Tesla wanted to give the world and how it was intended to work. Needless to say that this book is a must-read for every Tesla enthusiast and everyone who wants to understand the work of Nikola Tesla, a genius far ahead of his time. With the purchase of this book you are supporting my work to bring back Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter, and for that I thank you!” – Ernst

Get your copy here: Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter: Recreating Tesla’s Dream

Ernst’s bio is here:

Born 1964 in Amsterdam. I always wanted to figure out how things work. I was repairing all things electronic in my teens, taught myself digital electronics and designed and built my first computer when I was 18. I went to University to study computer science and physics and worked in IT until 2005. Then I moved to Thailand and while looking for a new hobby I came across Tesla. I have collected all his works (as much as available) and started replicating his experiments so I would see what he must have seen.

In 2014 the voltages became too high for living room experiments and together with an ex-colleague we started Ethergy Co. Ltd. to attract funds for a lab and equipment.

We have since proven, among many smaller things, the 11.77 Hz Earth resonance frequency and that Tesla’s Magnifier generated extra current. So far we have not been able to produce excess energy, but I think that is just a matter of time.

Please use the share buttons below to help share this with your friends. Ernst deserves to have his work recognized and we are fortunate that he is willing to share it with us!

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2019-02-10 Eric Dollard Live Call

In this live call, Eric Dollard goes into the reasons why he believes Constantine Meyl is simply wrong about his claims about fictitious “scalar waves”,  which is a concept that was discarded by the pioneers of the electrical sciences long ago.

He also shares about longitudinal transmission and some of what his upcoming presentation will include that will be accompanied by a demonstration of a scale model Colorado Springs replica showing exactly what Tesla did and didn’t do.

There are a lot of questions by a few people that gives a lot of food for thought on various topics so take a listen, share this with your friends and please consider donating to EPD Laboratories, Inc. to help support the work of Eric Dollard. Donation details are in the right column.

Use the Share buttons below to pass this on to your friends.

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Eric Dollard Live Call 2018-12-02

There is a LOT of material covered in this recording including Zennek Surface Waves, which are supposedly related to the “Tesla Tower” in Texas that is causing a lot of buzz, discussion of earthquake forecasting, Eric also gives some details on several of his presentations and he goes into some of JJ Thomson’s work as well as Dayton Miller.

By the way, the EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 non profit organization supporting the work of Eric Dollard has had it’s building paid off as of a month ago!!! This is a huge step for all of us involved with Eric’s work and we coudln’t have done it without all of your generous donations! Before, it costs about $14000 per year to cover the mortgage, tax, insurance, utilities, etc. just to cover the building expenses. That has been reduced by about $8000 so the total operating costs for the building is now only $6000 or about $500 per month!! This has made a huge difference for the organization. We still need help with the monthly operating expenses so if you are able to pitch in, every bit helps! The PayPal donation link is in the right column of and right by that is a mailing address if you want to mail a donation in the forum of a check or money order. Thank you all for your support!

Please donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc using the PayPal link in the right column or checks or money orders can be sent to the Spokane POB address. Thank you for your support!

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Eric Dollard Live Call 2017-02-28

Eric covers how the Crystal Radio Initiative defeats Einstein and the basic concept of Tesla’s Monopolar Transmitter. He goes into when the science of electricity died, free energy water technology.

Donate by PayPal or through the mail – details are in the right column.

Come see Eric Dollard at the Energy Science & Technology Conference: Energy Conference

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LIVE CALL 2016-07-17 Eric Dollard

Eric Dollard takes lives questions from callers. Discussion covers his new presentation Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems available at, the new book he is writing relating to that presentation, ancient Sanskrit connections to Tesla, Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter, defining Longitudinal propagation vs Transverse propagation and more.

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* NEW RELEASE * Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems by Eric Dollard

Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems by Eric Dollard
Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems by Eric Dollard




Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems by Eric Dollard – This is the sequel to The Extraluminal Transmission Systems of Tesla and Alexanderson. This is the deepest Eric Dollard has ever gone to develop the theoretical basis for longitudinal propagation, which is not subject to the inverse square law. There is also no velocity to its propagation and therefore no association to light speed. If you ever saw the classic Borderland videos on Tesla’s Longitudinal Waves, this presents diagrams, math and more information that you can ever hope for if you want to experiment with the analog Longitudinal networks on your own! Release date – August 15, 2016. Learn more: Electrical Transmission in Multiple Coordinate Systems

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Extraluminal Analog Network Video Presentation

Here is a video presentation of Eric Dollard showing his recent bench experiments with analog networks that demonstrate both transverse and longitudinal propagation. When used together, time is cancelled out of the equation so that information can transmit from one end of the system to the other with no time delay. That isn’t faster than the speed of light, it is instantaneous or extraluminal.

To see the pictures that accompany this video presentation go here:

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Transverse & Longitudinal Analog Networks

20151210_133211xHere are photographs from a recent visit to EPD Laboratories, Inc. showing Eric Dollard working on some Transverse & Longitudinal Analog Networks, which cancel time out of the equation on transmission lines when used together. That means that signals can propagate from end of the transmission structure (lines) to another without any time delay. That isn’t faster than the speed of light since there is no velocity, it is instantaneous, which is extraluminal.

A new video walk through by Eric Dollard is coming soon that will explain what you see in the pictures below.

If you want to see the classic Borderland videos on this exact topic, watch these free presentations here: