In October, several of us went down to EPD Laboratories, Inc. to help clean and organize the shop. It was quite a chore – when we arrived, there were two large RCA Receiver sets that were delivered there a few weeks before. Special thanks to Christian Weber of Advanced Shelter Systems, Inc. for picking these up in California and delivering them to the lab. These things are monsters and for one person to unload these by themself intact is a near impossible feat!
We put them where Eric wanted them…they need work to get them up and running, but in this video, Eric gives a walk thru on all the components and how they’re to be used in an Earth Stereo system at some point if we have enough acreage to setup the appropriate antennas to make it a reality. He had a variation of all of this at Landers so it’s not theoretical – what is Earth stereo?
Donations are desperately needed, please use the Donate PayPal link in the right column to pitch in and help pay the bills. EPD Laboratories, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation so all donations are tax deductible.
This is a project that I (Aaron Murakami) have been working on for a while. It is engineered by Eric Dollard and built by myself mostly from scratch. Jeff Moe helped with machining some of the parts but most is hand fabricated with hand tools on my work bench.
There are multiple applications for the system when completed or in other words a lot of different experiments that can be performed because it is being designed to be universal.
We have a bit more to do for the audio rack and still have to do the entire RF rack – next year’s conference will have some of the most incredible Tesla experiments most people have ever seen or heard of.
Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. to help support the work of Eric Dollard with the PayPal link in the right column (just scroll down) or mail a check or money order to the PO Box in Spokane.
Register at Energetic Forum for free: – after registering, email help at emediapress dot com with your username and password and request that your account be activated – do this regardless of what confirmation emails you receive.
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Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. to help support the work of Eric Dollard with the PayPal link in the right column (just scroll down) or mail a check or money order to the PO Box in Spokane.
Register at Energetic Forum for free: – after registering, email help at emediapress dot com with your username and password and request that your account be activated – do this regardless of what confirmation emails you receive.
Donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. to help support the work of Eric Dollard with the PayPal link in the right column (just scroll down) ormail a check or money order to the PO Box in Spokane.
NEW RELEASE – Versor Algebra Part 2 by Eric Dollard is here!
This is a continuation of Part 1 – Charles Proteus Steinmetz’s original math model is a natural outgrowth of Nikola Tesla’s polyphase power systems. Tesla was the discoverer, but Steinmetz was the builder who first applied Versor Algebra to the analysis of alternating current power systems.
In my presentation and book Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity, my extension of Steinmetz’s work is presented in the most simple way possible using very simple analogies, pictures and diagrams. It was a very difficult task as the goal was to facilitate an understanding for the layman.
That presentation was given at the 2013 Energy Science & Technology Conference and shortly thereafter, the book version was released, which went into more detail that was not covered in the presentation.
Tesla’s polyphase power system was originally four poles or four phases. Steinmetz is the one who adapted it into a three pole or three phase system, which is the prominent system of today. The complication is that three phase systems cannot be explained by conventional mathematics. With three phase systems, there is no plus or minus and that is the reason why the conventional math doesn’t work anymore.
That left a big gap in polyphase power systems until Dr. Fortescue came up with the system of Symmetrical Coordinates. This laid the groundwork for polyphase mathematics for any number of phases. And ultimately, it can be extended into the Pythagorean understanding of numbers.
The “Fortescue Method” was never fully developed because of its complexity. The proper name for this is “Sequence Algebra” and the rudiments were presented in my presentation and book Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity. Even though the system has become adopted for general engineering usage, Versor Algebra as Applied to Polyphase Power Systems and/or Versor Algebra Vol. II, Special Theories of Sequence Operators as Applied to Power Engineering is the first theoretical basis that has ever been presented on the subject.
Versor Algebra as Applied to Polyphase Power Systems and/or Versor Algebra Vol. II, Special Theories of Sequence Operators as Applied to Power Engineering is the next logical step after Four Quandrant Representation of Electricity as it takes the reader into the mathematical journey of the mathematical model and theory that is necessary to realize the unique electrical waves that exist in polypahse power systems.
These waves are actually beyond the original understanding of Tesla and Steinmetz with regard to polyphase power systems. It is important to understand that this is all possible with simple 9th grade algebra. Eric takes the reader through a step-by-step process from very basic algebra and log-rhythms into the more complex subject. The process involves very simple but numerous steps to guide the reader into the understanding of polyphase mathematics.
Through Eric’s own journey in writing this Versor Algebra book, I have been able to unify the polyphonic music of Bach and his contemporaries as this music follows the logic of sequence algebra perfectly. In fact, the book was written when listening to this music, which aided the process greatly.