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Eric Dollard Live Call 2018-12-02

There is a LOT of material covered in this recording including Zennek Surface Waves, which are supposedly related to the “Tesla Tower” in Texas that is causing a lot of buzz, discussion of earthquake forecasting, Eric also gives some details on several of his presentations and he goes into some of JJ Thomson’s work as well as Dayton Miller.

By the way, the EPD Laboratories, Inc. 501(c)3 non profit organization supporting the work of Eric Dollard has had it’s building paid off as of a month ago!!! This is a huge step for all of us involved with Eric’s work and we coudln’t have done it without all of your generous donations! Before, it costs about $14000 per year to cover the mortgage, tax, insurance, utilities, etc. just to cover the building expenses. That has been reduced by about $8000 so the total operating costs for the building is now only $6000 or about $500 per month!! This has made a huge difference for the organization. We still need help with the monthly operating expenses so if you are able to pitch in, every bit helps! The PayPal donation link is in the right column of and right by that is a mailing address if you want to mail a donation in the forum of a check or money order. Thank you all for your support!

Please donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc using the PayPal link in the right column or checks or money orders can be sent to the Spokane POB address. Thank you for your support!

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Eric Dollard – Integratron by Scott Hensler 2018-11-16

Here is an interview with Eric Dollard on the Integratron. He is one of the only ones alive that knows its actual purpose, how it was built, etc. because one of his former jobs included working on it.

His presentation Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity included quite a bit on the Integratron, which you can get here:

Please donate to EPD Laboratories, Inc. using the PayPal button in the right column or you can send checks/money orders to the Spokane address.