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AM Transmission “Faster than Light Speed”

All AM Transmission from radio stations have 2 basic parts to their transmission. Some is transmitted by conventional transverse waves above ground by the transmission antennas through the air. But the rest is transmitted longitudinally through the ground instantaneously going beyond Einstein’s speed of light limit – it isn’t faster than the speed of light, it is instantaneous!

Here is a basic demonstration Eric Dollard experimented with out in the desert while working on his Telluric Research for the Advanced Seismic Warning System.

Look at this page for some updates on this project.

On that page, we’re going to be listing more perks – please donate whatever you can to the campaign so we can get EPD Laboratories on the path to self sufficiency. With the seismographs being handed over to EPD Laboratories and everything else coming together, we’re so close.

Help bring the next phase of the project to completion so we can demonstrate the antenna system receiving the earth signals with the Extraluminal Transmission network being built by Eric Dollard, Justin Miller and John Polakowski.

Please share this with your friends to help support the campaign.

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2015-02-28 Eric Dollard & John Polakowski Live Call

FEBRUARY 28, 2015

Updates include discussion on the Analog Network Eric and John are working on like what was shown in the old Borderland videos, Magnetic Amplifier designed by Eric and built by John, what their talks at the 2015 Energy Science & Technology Conference, Advanced Seismic Warning System, music and polyphase mathematics, Cosmic Induction Generator, where Eric theorizes the energy in an atomic bomb comes from, Eric’s radiant matter experiment replicated by Mark McKay.

Give the video a thumbs up and share it with your friends to help spread the word!